Rabu, 19 September 2012

reflection of the first meeting STRUKTUR DATA


today the first meeting of a data structure. I knew from day one bonus value already started. but I deliberately late, it is not for getting a bonus value just that I feel that I've been trying to find the value of bonuses and instead only made ​​that mistake once and lost opportunity, it really makes me more upset. and I do not want to feel disappointed.

I'm afraid if i feel disappointed because i are not received my bonus value not spirit to learn the structure of the data. i think lectures are not only looking for bonus points but to understand what is learned. value can not necessarily make us better, but understanding can make us better in applying.

I hope,, hopefully I can be more accepting and understanding the data structures. starting from the first meeting to discuss BASIC PROGRAMMING C + +. because this is a battle I have  to fight..

fighting fighting ... :)

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